Logo variations
The logo is an integral part of the TESOBE brand and should be used thoughtfully and consistently.Most often the logo will be presented in cyan and gray as displayed on the top left, but can also be adapted for use on a gray background or can be placed in combination of the with the tagline:‘TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS BERLIN’. A black monochromatic version of the logo is also available when used by third parties and they have requirements for a solid black version.
Logo variations: dont’s
Refrain from altering the logo or using it on loud noisy backgrounds, Ideally the logo should be used on a white or gray background.The gray version includes lighter feathers on the lower part of the brand marque. In the colour version of the logo the marque uses cyan and gray to distinguish the feathers which make up the arrow device. To ensure this effect is maintained in the gray version the feather are to remain in a gray not white.When using the logo with the tagline do not try to create to the tagline, instead use the defined logo version supplied in the toolkit.

Colour palette
The primary colours are key indicators of the TESOBE brand design. Black is most often used for typography, while gray and cyan and white are used as supporting colours for backgrounds and key devices.
R:50 G:50 B:50
C:67% M:47% Y:47% K:43%
R:34 G:172 B:204
C:88% M:0% Y:1% K:0%
The secondary colours are used in combination with or separately from the primary colours. These are meant to add extra depth and interest to the designs.
R:163 G:163 B:157
C:33% M:24% Y:24% K:4%
R:80 G:177 B:82
C:69% M:0% Y:75% K:0%
R:211 G:211 B:9
C:16% M:9% Y:96% K:1%
The primary sans font that should be used is Roboto. This should be used for headlines, subheadings, statements and CTA’s.The secondary font which is used for body copy is the serif font Eczar Regular.
Primary font
TESOBE leads the Open Bank Project, the Open Source API platform for banks
Secondary font
TESOBE assists banks in executing effective API and innovation strategies by providing a proven API-platform supported by an active community of developers and partners.